
  • drapeau anglais
Short CV in PDF

Professional experience:

09/22-... Assistant professor at the Institut Montpelliérain Alexander Grothendieck, University of Montpellier. Faculty of sciences.
10/2021-08/22 ATER at Institut Denis Poisson, University of Tours. Faculty of sciences and technologies.
01/2020-08/2021 Postdoctorat at the Institut of Research and Development (IRD, Montpellier).
In the Unit Maladies Infectieuses et Vecteurs : Écologie, Génétique, Évolution et Contrôle (MIVEGEC)
Subject: Mathematical modelisation applied to theoretical evolutive epidemiology.
In collaboration with Ramsès Djidjou-Demasse, Thierry Lefèvre and Marc Choisy.
01/2019-12/2019 Postdoctorat at the Institut of Mathematics of Bordeaux (IMB) (University of Bordeaux)
In the Mathematics for the Populations Dynamics team.
Subject: Mathematical modelling and simulations for evolutionary plant epidemiology in agricultural landscapes.
In collaboration with Jean-Baptiste Burie (IMB), Arnaud Ducrot (LMAH) and Frédéric Fabre.(INRA Bordeaux)
03/2015-08/2015 Master Internship at Chrono Environnement Laboratory.
Advisers: Antoine Perasso and Virgile Baudrot.
Subject: mathematical analysis and simulations of predator-prey models with various functional responses.


2015 - 2018 Ph.D at the Laboratory of Mathematics of Besançon (University of Bourgogne Franche-Comté).
Supervisers: Mustapha Mokhtar-Kharroubi and Antoine Perasso.
Subject : asymptotic behavior of structured populations models.
Defended on October 8, 2018.
2014 - 2015 Master 2: Maths en action at the University Lyon 1.
2013 - 2014 Master 1: Applied mathematics at the University Lyon 1.

Oral communications in conferences:

Sept 2019
Asymptotic behavior of age-structured and delayed Lotka-Volterra models.
Aug 2019
Mathematical Modeling in Population Dynamics, Bordeaux.
Asymptotic behavior of age-structured and delayed Lotka-Volterra models.
Oct 2018
Semigroups of Operators: Theory and Applications, Kazimierz Dolny (Poland).
Time asymptotics of structured populations with diffusion.
June 2018
3rd Mathematical Biology Modelling days of Besançon {MB}², Besançon.
Dynamics of predator-prey interactions: from age-structured to delay differential equations models.
May 2017
2nd Franco-Italian Mathematical Ecology Days, Torino (Italy).
Some dynamics of an age-structured predator-prey model.
Nov 2016
International Workshop Franco-Italian Mathematical Ecology Days, Torino (Italy).
Some dynamics of an age-structured predator-prey model.

Oral communications in seminars/workshops:

December 2021
Seminar of the PDE, Modelling and Simulation (EMS) team, Institut Denis Poisson, Tours.
Mathematical modelling of evolutive epidemics in agricultural landscapes.
April 2021
Seminar (visio) of the Theoretical and Experimental Evolution (ETE) team, MIVEGEC, Montpellier.
An age-structured mathematical model of COVID-19.
March 2021
Seminar (visio) of the ACSIOM team, IMAG, Montpellier.
Mathematical modelling of evolutive epidemics in agricultural landscapes.
March 2021
Seminar (visio) of the Applied Analysis team, UPJV, Amiens.
Concentration estimations in an epidemiological and multi-hosts model.
May 2020
Seminar (visio) of the Theoretical and Experimental Evolution (ETE) team, MIVGEGEC, Montpellier.
Some mathematical models in population dynamics.
January 2020
Bio-Mathematics seminar, Orléans.
Concentration estimates in a multi-hosts evolutive epidemiological model.
Dec 2019
General assembly SysNum, IMB Bordeaux
A mathematical multi hosts models in evolutive epidemiology.
January 2019
Mathematics for Populations Dynamics seminar, IMB (Bordeaux).
Asymptotic behavior of structured populations models.
June 2018
Ph.D seminar, LMB (Besançon).
Asymptotic behavior of structured populations models.
June 2018
PDE seminar, LMB (Besançon).
Study of a structured population model with diffusion.
January 2018
Analysis and PDE seminar, Laboratory of Mathematics of Versailles.
Asymptotic behavior of an age-structured predator-prey model.
Oct 2017
Workshop INRIA Lyon.
Asymptotic behavior of a delayed predator-prey model.
May 2016
Days of Carnot-Pasteur doctoral school LMB ( Besançon).
Implications of age-structure on the dynamics of Lotka-Volterra equations. First prize of the jury.


Oct 2017
VIe Colloque EDP-Normandie, Caen.
Bifurcations of an age-structured predator-prey model. Pdf
July 2015
{MB}^2 Conference: days of BioMathematical Modelisation of Besançon, Métabief.
mathematical analysis and simulations of predator-prey models with various functional responses.r. Pdf

Participations to schools and conferences:

Dec 2017
Partial Differential Equations and Semigroups, Besançon.
Aug 2016
Helsinki Summer School on Mathematical Ecology and Evolution: Structured Populations, Turku (Finlande).